Order Safe and Equal's Resources & Publications
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Gathering support: safety for women
Relationships: the good, the bad and the ugly (respectful relationships for young women)
Sex, love and other stuff (respectful relationships for young men)
Now I know it wasn’t my fault: information for adults sexually abused as children
Information for mothers: sexual abuse of children
Pregnancy to parenting: a guide for survivors of child sexual abuse
Out of character? Legal responses to domestic homicides in Victoria (2016)
discussion paper
What's in a name? Definitions and domestic violence (1998)
Justice or judgement? The impact of Victorian homicide law reforms on responses to women who kill intimate partners (2013)
Men as victims of domestic violence: some issues to consider (2002)
Violence-induced disability: the consequences of violence against women & children (2006)
What is Child Sexual Abuse? Rethinking what we know (2003)
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